Fun with Gnuplot

Fri Feb 08 01:16:32 UTC 2013

Some fun with Gnuplot: plotting $VELT (Velti) eod price with momentum visualisation. Nothing to see here...

gnuplot> plot 'tmp' using 3 with boxes linecolor rgb "#000333" fill solid, 
              'tmp' using 2 with boxes linecolor rgb "#336699", 
              'tmp' using 1 with points lt 1 linecolor rgb "#99ccff", 
              'ts.dat' with lines lw 3 linecolor rgb "white"

velti time series 0

gnuplot> plot 'tmp' using 3 with boxes fill solid lt 3, 
              'tmp' using 2 with boxes fill solid lt 2, 
              'tmp' using 1 with boxes fill solid lt 1, 
              'ts.dat' with lines lw 3 linecolor rgb "white"

velti time series 1
velti time series 2
velti time series 3